Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Project write up

I placed emphasis in such a way so you eye go right to the focal point. Second I wanted the viewers eye to go to balance. With The font I used it stands out, but it’s not over powering the focal point. Next I wanted the viewers eye to go to repetition with the fading upside down pyramid technique I used. Then the viewers eye should go to contrast I used a big R to pull the viewers eye upwards. Second to last is flow, with flow coming down from the s in emphasis it moves your eye down the page. Lastly your eye should go to the falling T from alignment.
The typography for Emphasis is Bronx style graffiti at one hundred and eighty point font. Balance is a bold 3d type font it makes everything look in order and under control. The actual font size is fifty point. I shortened repetition to rep and repeated rep. The font is very simple and gets the point across. For Contrast I made every letter a different whacky font to show comparative variety. With flow I used a stereotypical cursive font. With the letters having loops it makes the word move down the page. Alignment I used new times roman font and made the last T not aligned with the rest of the word.

Monday, February 22, 2010